Tuesday, June 17, 2008

pushing daisies

just finish watching my favourite tv show on 8tv. it is so funny and i declare myself as an addict to that show. lee pace is super cute and he's a good actor. all the simple things that he did in the show e.g putting his hand in his pocket, his smile, and etc very adorable and so sweet.... i'm drooling over him right now ^_^ can't wait for the next episode or i might as well watch it on youtube. either way i'm just so in love with the show at the moment.
he's the reason why i watch the show

Monday, June 16, 2008


That is my current status now. Just finish my 6 years of degree education. Lame gile. Before this semua org cakap lamenye belajar, doktor ke? Hahaha, how I wish I was a doktor. Doktor je ke yang kena belajar lame2? ambik course lain xleh belajar lame ke? Course lain pun susah gak. Kalau x susah xkan ade org yg sangkut sampai sekrg x abis2 belajar lagi, kan? But I’m not one of those yang tersangkut lah kan. Alhamdulillah, tamat jugak akhirnye aku mengaji hehehe….

Result final exam pun dah tau. Yang officialnye belum sampai lagi kat rumah just tgk online jer. Happy ke aku bile dah tau final result? Entah lah but one thing for sure aku sgt bersyukur subject yg aku ambik alhamdulillah pass semuanye. x payah nak repeat paper and boleh grad ngan member2 semua bulan 8 nih. The other day mase tgk result rase cam terkejut gak lah kan. Ade satu paper yg aku ambik rase cam x confident jer nak pass inikan pulak dapat A. Lecturer yang ajar aku tu memang terkenal dengan title kedekut tahap dewa. Dek kerana dia baik hati nak kasi A kat aku, terselamat lah sikit cgpa aku. Thanks prof!! I heart you so much!!! Kalau x alamatnye ke laut le cgpa aku. Member aku semua mesti result gempak punye. Dieorg sangatlah pandai (ni puji ikhlas tau, x dengki pun) almost every sem dpt masuk dean list. Aku pulak sekali pun x pernah merase nak masuk dean list. Sipi2 tu pernah le. Tapi org kate almost doesn’t count. Dah cuba sedaya upaya tapi x berjaya gak. Sedihnye…

Tapi x kisah lah tu. Itu rezeki dieorg. Dah bukan rezeki aku. Selalu jugak fikir apesal result exam aku selalu je cam hampeh. Bukannye aku x usaha rase cam buat lebih dari org lain. Nak buat camne kan dah bukan rezeki. Agaknye tuhan x kasi aku masuk dean list sebab aku ade tendency nak jadi sombong kot. So, Dia kasi aku pointer yg ok-ok lah. Xle teruk sgt pun. Aku bersyukur dengan ape yang aku dapat. Xpe usaha lebih lagi masa ambik master nanti. Aku memang nak pursue master after this but bukan dalam masa yg terdekat ni. Nak kerja dulu, carik pengalaman and the most important thing, nak kumpul duit banyak2, loads of money so i can i have anything that i want...

So, at the time being, i just want to sit back and do nothing at home. Nak mkn bnyak2, nak online smpai jemu, tgk tv smpai muntah and tido smpai lebam. Once dah start kerja next month, xleh nak buat semua ni dah...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

lagu best...

lately suke layan lagu ni. best sgt2.
take my heart by soko (french singer if i'm not mistaken)